文物展示 Museum Collections - 八九民運與香港 89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong

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Why Is It a Crime to Commemorate June 4th:
The June 4th Wine Case

In 2016, Sichuan human rights activists Fu Hailu, Zhang Junyong, Luo Fuyu and Chen Bing produced liquor to commemorate June 4th, and named it “Remember the Eight Wine Six Four”.

銘記八酒六四 Remember the Eight Wine Six Four

All four were arrested one after another from May to June 2016. They were detained in a detention centre for nearly three years and were unable to see their families. Only until April 2019 they were separately tried in courts.

The four were convicted of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”. Among them, Fu, Zhang and Luo were sentenced to three years imprisonment and were given suspended sentences of five, four and four years respectively. They were released after the trials, but they were forced to wear monitoring equipments. Chen Bing was sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment without suspended sentence and was released from prison at the end of December 2019 after serving the full term of the sentence.

++延伸閱讀:2017.6.2 「六四紀念館」展出「銘記八酒六四」紀念酒

The CCP’s Official Statement on June 4th

On June 9th, 1989, Deng Xiaoping, the chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with martial law troops and labelled the democracy demonstrations as“counter-revolutionary riot”. He praised the army for quelling it.

Later on, the central government adopted a uniform phrase, referring to the demonstrations as “political turmoil between the spring and summer of 1989” or “political turmoil between the spring and summer in the late 1980s”.

The Central Institute for Party History and Literature Research published two articles, “Major Events in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening” and “Major Events of Reform and Opening” for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in December 2018 and September 2019 respectively. In addition to the words “political turmoil”, the phrase “counter-revolutionary riot” also reappeared.

1. 書籍:官方出版的一系列平息暴亂書籍。
Books- Books published by the authorities on the quelling of the “riots”.

2. 筆:內附寫上「國家安全部贈」紙張。
Pen - Includes a note with the words, “Gift from the Ministry of National Security”.


A watch “In memory of quelling the riots in June 1989”
A reward to “meritorious” martial law troops in the capital given by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the CCP and the Beijing Municipal People's Government. On the watch, there is a portrait of a soldier of the People's Liberation Army of the CCP and, at the bottom, the words “in memory of quelling the riots in June 1989”.


民主歌聲獻中華 Concert for Democracy in China


“Concert for Democracy in China” video tapes
On May 27th, 1989, the Hong Kong entertainment industry held a “Concert for Democracy in China” at Happy Valley Racecourse lasting for 12 hours. More than 200,000 people participated.


“Concert for Democracy in China” nameplate (replica)
Signed by the entertainers, John Shum, Lowell Lo, Tina Liu, James Wong, Ming-man Cheung, Alfred Cheung, Dominic Chow, Eddie Ng, Kenny Wong, William So, Vicky Leung, Cally Kwong, Philip Chan, Jacky Cheung, May Lo, Louis Yuen, Andrew Lam, Violet Lam, Lei Lam, Anthony Chan, Robert Mak and others.

“Concert for Democracy in China” armbands

4.「民主歌聲獻中華——1990 美加巡迴演唱」場刊及宣傳書籤

“Concert for Democracy in China: 1990 North American Tour” programme book
and promotional bookmark
In 1990, some entertainers toured overseas and called for attention to the democracy movement with their voices, including Anita Mui, Anthony Wong, Deanie Ip, Danny Summer, Ta-yu Lo and others.

Peking University T-Shirt with Student Signatures


The T-shirt is covered with signatures and the ambitions of students pursuing democracy, including those of June 4th victim, Wu Xiangdong, and exiled student leaders, Wang Dan, Wuer Kaixi, and Chai Ling. The T-shirt was donated by Choi Suk-fong, a Hong Kong journalist who conducted interviews in Beijing at the time.

吾爾開希當年在T-Shirt上簽名情景。Wuer Kaixi signing the T-Shirt.

「坦克人」原相海報 “Tank Man” poster developed from the original film

「坦克人」原相底片沖曬。2014年5月,國際特赦組織秘書長Salil Shetty參觀「六四紀念館」時贈送。
The poster was developed from the original film of “Tank Man” and was presented by Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, when he visited the June 4th Museum in May 2014.

「吾爾開希」T-Shir “Wu'erkaixi” T-Shirt


Giordano, a clothing brand founded by Jimmy Lai, sold T-Shirts to raise funds for the democratic movement in 1989. One of them had a design with the portrait of Wu'erkaixi, the leader of the student movement, on it.

民主紀念錶 Democracy memorial watch

由香港錶葉有限公司於1989年製造。保證咭上寫著「三分鐘熱度 民主難進步」,希望支持民主自由的人,以恆久忍耐的愛心和信念,付諸具建設性的行動支持民主自由。

Manufactured by ISEBILL Ltd. in 1989. It was written on the guarantee card that, “It is difficult to make progress in democracy with only three minutes of passion”, with a wish that those who support democracy and freedom will act constructively to support democracy and freedom with patience and faith.    

染血口罩 Blood-stained mask


On 4 June 1989, Tiananmen Square was cleared. A mask used by a Hong Kong reporter was stained with blood from students.

馬少方刑事判決書(複印本)Ma Shaofang's criminal verdict (replica)


Ma Shaofang was originally a student of Beijing Film Academy. After the June 4 massacre, he was one of the 21 students  wanted by the Chinese government and was sentenced to three years in prison for “counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement” in 1990. Ma once said that his persistence over the years had focused on the word “truth”and that the lack of true qualitative statement about June 4 was “an insult to the victims”.

Ma Shaofang (middle) on Tiananmen Square in 1989, with Wang Dan and Wu'erkaixi on the left and right.
▼馬少方近照。A recent photo of Ma Shaofang.

Newspapers During 1989 Democracy Movement

▶ 瀏覽 香港報章頭版專輯 | 香港報章廣告專輯

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