民主雕像 無容身之所? No Space for the Democracy Statue? - 八九民運與香港 89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong

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民主雕像 無容身之所? No Space for the Democracy Statue?




Every movement has its own symbols, and the spirit of the movement can seen in these symbols.

The design of the Goddess of Democracy in 1989 is clearly inspired by the Statue of Liberty in the United States, with the recognisably female figure holding the torch in both hands and showing a spirit of fearlessness and dedication to fight to the end. The Goddess was erected in Tiananmen Square to face the portrait of Mao Zedong on Tiananmen Gate, symbolizing the confrontation between democracy and despotism. In 2019, Lady Liberty, the Hong Kong version of the Goddess of Democracy, was modelled after front line protesters, wearing helmet, goggles, and gas mask, holding a flag in her left hand and an umbrella in her right hand, stepping forward into tear gas, showing the will of Hong Kong people to resist.

The two generations of democracy statues show different forms of resistance, but the concepts of freedom, justice and democracy they represent are the same. Unfortunately in Hong Kong today, it appears there is very little space left for these democratic statues to survive.

相片 Photos

▲ 1989年5月29日,北京中央美術學院等學生趕製民主女神像。
On 29 May 1989, students including those from Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing rushing to set up the Goddess of Democracy statue.

Goddess of Democracy statue in Tiananmen Square in 1989

On 18 June 1989, Goddess of Democracy statue was set up in Hong Kong.

Lady Liberty Hong Kong in 2019.

Pillar of Shame in the University of Hong Kong. 

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