人物 Survivors and the Dead - 吳向東 Wu Xiangdong - 八九民運與香港 89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong

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人物介紹 Survivors and the Dead

吳向東 Wu Xiangdong
1968.8.13 - 1989.6.4
Worker and evening university student, fatally shot dead near the Muxidi bridge at the age of 21.

八九民運期間事跡介紹 Deeds during the 1989 democracy movement




Wu Xiangdong wrote big-character posters to factory co-workers in support of students. He told his younger brother Weidong that when the posters were put up at the factory entrance, the off-duty workers brought the factory flag to Tiananmen Square to support the university students.

Under Beijing martial law, Wu Xiangdong wrote his will (Exhibit 2) on May 21st, 1989. On the testament, he mentioned “I’ve made preparations to stay with the students. I will not hesitate to die—for democracy and freedom.”

Wu Xiangdong often assisted in maintaining order and protected the students at the square after work. To honour him, many people signed his clothes, hats and shoes.

死亡情況 Death




Wu Xiangdong’s parents found his body at Fuxing Hospital.

In the shadow of white terror and with help from various parties, a fake death certificate was issued and his family quietly had the body cremated.

Wound: The bullet entered the left collarbone near the neck and came out the left side of the back near the spine. The wound diameter was about 1 cm at the front and 2-3 cm at the back, with burn marks around the wound. He was killed by an expanding (dumdum) bullet.

父母眼中的吳向東 Wu Xiangdong in the Eyes of his parents


He was passionate and had a wide range of interests, like stamp collecting, Go games, swimming, music, Chinese painting, calligraphy and seal cutting. He treated people sincerely and eagerly help others, so he had many close friends.

Wu Xuehan, father (Died of depression and cancer in 1995)
My son wrote a will at Tiananmen Square in May, he was true to his promise by giving his life.

Xu Jue, mother (Died of liver cancer on April 24th, 2017)


1. 大字報(複製本)Big-character poster (replica)
The poster expresses Wu Xiangdong’s solidarity with Beijing student movement.
The photo shows Wu Xiangdong’s factory co-workers demonstrating (date unknown).

2. 吳向東遺書(複印本)Wu Xiangdong's suicide note (replica)
Excerpt: “I am prepared to be with the students, even at the expense of my life. This is for democracy and freedom.”

3. 學習筆記 Study notes
Wu Xiangdong was diligent in his studies. He was admitted to Beijing Electronic instrument Industry Workers College (Industrial Enterprise Management) and studied part-time.

4. 司法工作手冊 Judicial Work Manual
Wu Xiangdong studied general principles of law.

5. 獻血證 Blood donation certificate
Wu Xiangdong donated blood before the outbreak of the 1989 Democracy Movement.

6. 初中畢業證書 Junior high school diploma

7. 海鷗牌相機 Seagull Camera
The camera included the last roll of film Wu Xiangdong shot at Tiananmen Square. Photos were developed from this roll.

8. 寫有「愛國無罪」頭帶 Headband with the words “Patriotism is not a Crime”

9. 星辰手錶 CITIZEN Watch

10. 相簿 Photo album

11. 日記本 Diary

12. 生前所用行李箱 Suitcase used by Wu Xiangdong
In 2014, one of the Wu Xiangdong’ s family members brought the suitcase full of W’ s possessions to the Alliance as historical evidence.

13-16. 畫作、繪畫顏料和顏料盤 Paintings, paints and palette
Exhibits 13 to 16 are his paintings, paints and palette.

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