「六四」屠殺死難者遇難地點/傷亡數字 Locations of Deaths in the June 4 Massacre / June 4 Massacre Casualties | 數字看八九民運 Key Figures of the 1989 Democracy Movement - 八九民運與香港 89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong

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「六四」屠殺死難者遇難地點 Locations of Deaths in the June 4 Massacre

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「六四」屠殺傷亡數字 June 4 Massacre Casualties

袁木 Yuan Mu
國務院發言人 State Council Spokesperson
1989年6月6日記者招待會 Press conference on 6 June 1989
死亡人數 No. of deaths:300人 Persons;受傷人數 No. of injuries:2,000人 Persons

中國紅十字會 Red Cross Society of China
1989年公佈死亡人數 No. of deaths announced in 1989:2,600-3,000人 Persons

天安門母親 Tiananmen Mothers
截至2021年4月,確認死難者名單人數 No. of fatalities confirmed as of April 2021:202人 Persons

英國國家檔案館解密檔案 The National Archives (U.K.) Declassified Files
估計平民死亡人數 Estimated civilian fatalities:至少 at least 10,000 人 Persons

加拿大外交部解密信函 Canadian Foreign Affairs Ministry Declassified Files
估計死亡人數 Estimated casualties:1,000-3,000人 Persons

美國白宮解密檔案 U.S. White House Declassified Files
死傷民眾 No. of casualties 40,000人 Persons;被殺人數 No. of people killed 10,454人 Persons

紀思道 Nicholas Kristof
《紐約時報》記者 Journalist of New York Times
1989年6月21日由醫院情況估算死亡人數 Estimated casualties from the hospital records as of 21 June 1989:400-800人 Persons

數字看八九民運 Key Figures of the 1989 Democracy Movement


51天 Days
From the death of Hu Yaobang on 15 April 1989 to the massacre on 4 June, the 1989 democracy movement lasted 51 days.

200,000人 Persons
In 1989, at least 200,000 students gathered in Tiananmen Square, and over a million Beijing citizens from different walks of life, as well as people inside and outside the system supported and participated in the movement.

4,000人 Persons
Amnesty International’s August 1989 report cited official Chinese reports that at least 4,000 people had been arrested across the country since the beginning of June. Amnesty believed the actual number was higher. Many people were sentenced to more than 10 years in prison; some were even executed.

1,500,000人 Persons
As part of the Global Chinese Democracy March in 1989, 1.5 million people took to the streets in Hong Kong. This record turnout remained unbroken until 30 years later in the anti-extradition movement of 2019.

62名難屬 Members
As of April 2021, 62 members of Tiananmen Mothers, the organisation of family members of June 4 victims, have passed away while still seeking justice. At present, Tiananmen Mothers have documented 202 victims of the June 4 massacre.

June 4 is still a taboo in China. It is a pain that cannot be discussed or mourned openly or freely. People can only use code words, such as “May 35” and “the day of square of 8” instead.

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