遊行集會 成集體回憶?Have Protest Marches and Rallies Become Only a Memory? - 八九民運與香港 89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong

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遊行集會 成集體回憶?Have Protest Marches and Rallies Become Only a Memory?




“Where are you going?”
“To join the march to Tiananmen Square.”
“Because it’s my duty.”

This conversation on the streets of Beijing in 1989 went viral in Hong Kong during the anti-extradition movement in 2019.

In the two campaigns, millions of people repeatedly took to the streets in the two cities. Anger towards the regime as well as sympathy and support for the students prompted people to take to the streets.

Since the June 4, 1989 massacre, rallies and marches have become almost extinct in China. Even petitions related to people's livelihood, such as expressing opposition to pollution and making wage demands, have been quickly suppressed. In Hong Kong, after “June 4 2.0”, have protest marches and rallies been banned for good?

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▲ 1989年北京  Beijing 1989

▲ 1989年5月,北京學生騎單車遊行。
In May 1989, Beijing students participated in a cyclist parade.

▲ 1989年,天安門廣場上聚滿洋溢理想熱情的民眾。
In 1989, Tiananmen Square was full of enthusiastic people.

▲ 1989年北京,學生和市民一次又一次勇敢地走上街頭。
In Beijing 1989, students and citizens bravely took to the streets repeatedly.

▲ 1989年5月北京,人民為爭取民主自由而怒吼。
In May 1989, Beijing, the people shouted out for democracy and freedom

▲ 1989年5月20日,香港維園成澤國,市民無懼風雨集會。
On 20 May 1989, Hong Kong Victoria Park was flooded but the public assembled without fear of the storm and rain.

▲ 2019年8月18日,香港市民冒雨參加維園「流水式」集會。
On 18 August 2019, Hong Kong citizens participated in “flowing” rallies in Victoria Park in the rain.

▲ 1989年5月27日,香港「民主歌聲獻中華」,市民揮動黃絲帶支持北京民運。
On 27 May 1989, at the Concert for Democracy in China in Hong Kong, the public waved yellow ribbons to support the Beijing democratic movement.

▲ 1989年5月28日,香港「全球華人民主大遊行」。
Global Chinese Democracy March in Hong Kong on 28 May 1989.

▲ 1989年6月4日,香港環市大遊行。
The round-the-city parade in Hong Kong on 4 June 1989.

▲ 2019年6月16日,香港「200萬+1人」遊行,打破有史以來遊行紀錄。
On 16 June 2019, “2 million +1” people took to the streets in Hong Kong which broke the historical record.

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