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新聞稿 Press Release 2021-6-2 閉館通告 Closing Notice




** 開放時間會因應不同展覽情況而調整

地址:九龍旺角旺角道11-13號藝旺商業大廈10字樓 (旺角港鐵站A2出口,已清拆的豪華戲院對面,油站旁) https://goo.gl/maps/h6Fb9rTwk4X8ey2A7  下載【交通資訊】

網上表格: https://bit.ly/64exhibit
Signal:+852 6797 8841
電話/WhatsApp:+852 2459 6489

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B. 在大廈管理處登記任何證件(例如個人八達通、學生證、駕駛執照……等,不一定是身份證)首4個號碼,領取「訪客證」乘升降機,按10字。

查詢:電郵 64museum@alliance.org.hk或電話/whatsapp +852 2459 6489




「六四紀念館」即將開館之際,於2019年4月7日,發現大門鐵閘被打開,鐵門鎖頭不見了,牆身10個插座、總電掣和總電掣箱被鹽水淋濕。近日更有自稱大廈業戶在大廈外抗議,對大廈業戶和附近居民構成滋擾。明顯是惡意破壞,打壓紀念館重開。  🔗連結


「六四紀念館」於2019年4月26日(《人民日報》發表題為《必須旗幟鮮明地反對動亂》社論30周年)重新開館,當時主題為「記憶。公義。希望」,紀念在八九民運中犧牲的烈士和他們的奉獻精神。 🔗 四.二六社論


。「六四紀念館」於2012年和2013年分別在深水埗和香港城市大學設立臨時紀念館,反應熱烈,遂於2014年在尖沙咀富好中心購買單位,設立永久「六四紀念館」,但不斷遭受大廈業主立案法團的訴訟纏擾,以及管理處經常滋擾參觀者,加上紀念館受面積所限,未能作更大規模的展覽宣傳,也沒有足夠地方舉辦講座等活動,嚴重限制紀念館的發展和教育功能。2016年,經支聯會常委會討論及在會員大會上決議通過出售物業,另覓更大面積地方重建紀念館。🔗2012 | 2013 | 2014-16  360º 走入尖沙咀六四紀念館 

。2017年及2018年,支聯會一方面在維園年宵攤位及友好團體提供的場地舉行「六四紀念館」專題展,一方面籌款擴館及尋找新館址。幾經努力,2019年初購得位於旺角一單位,重置「六四紀念館」。 🔗 2017-18



2019年4月26日(《人民日報》發表題為《必須旗幟鮮明地反對動亂》社論30周年)「六四紀念館」重新開館,主題為「記憶。公義。希望」,紀念在八九民運中犧牲的烈士和他們的奉獻精神。 🔗 四.二六社論 📹 2019.4.26 記者會 影片
📚 重置與策展 https://bit.ly/2IiGlKa
📚 九十後策展人:重要的是埋下種子 https://bit.ly/2UgDOlc 進入Google Map https://goo.gl/maps/ATf2PXmH79L9UVGh8

2020 年是「六四」屠殺31 周年,5月20 日展開新主題展覽《走在抗極權最前線 ——從「八九六四」「反送中」。31 年前,香港人全情投入聲援北京民主運動,沒想到在2019年夏天開始,香港由反對修訂《逃犯條例》至今,要為自己展開一場對抗政治暴力、守護自由之戰。兩場運動面對同一專制極權,所遭遇的鎮壓和濫暴相近,不少人把「六四」和「反送中」比較,說「反送中」是「六四2.0」。  瀏覽及下載專題内容

2021年1月2日是支聯會創會主席司徒華先生逝世10周年,「六四紀念館」舉辦「司徒華先生逝世10周年」專題展,讓公眾從不同面向認識華叔、追思華叔。礙於疫情,閉館期間移師網上舉行: http://bit.ly/szetowah10  實體展於2月23日至4月16日舉行。




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1. 當天文台宣布懸掛8號(或以上)熱帶氣旋警告信號,紀念館將停止開放。
2. 如上午10時前8號(或以上)熱帶氣旋警告信號除下,或改懸3號(或以下)熱帶氣旋警告信號,紀念館將如常開放。
3. 如中午12時前8號(或以上)熱帶氣旋警告信號除下,或改懸3號(或以下)熱帶氣旋警告信號,紀念館將於下午3時開放。
4. 如中午12時後8號(或以上)熱帶氣旋警告信號除下,當日全天不開放。


1. 當天文台宣布懸掛黑色暴雨警告信號,紀念館會繼續開放。
2. 如黑色暴雨於非開放時間懸掛,紀念館將暫停開放,直至天文台宣布解除黑色暴雨警告信號或改懸紅色、黃色暴雨警告信號。紀念館因應暴雨警告信號的時間安排,與熱帶氣旋警告信號除下的安排相同。 

June 4th Museum
Opening hours: Every Tuesday to Sunday, 12:00-18:00  (closed on Mondays)

Address: 10/F, Ngai Wong Commercial Building, 11-13 Mong Kok Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon

By appointment:
 Guided tours and visit times can be arranged according to the needs of schools and groups.
📝Welcome to book a visit
Online form:https://bit.ly/64exhibit
Signal:+852 6797 8841
WhatsApp/ TEL: +852 2459 6489

Enquiry:  (Telephone/WhatsApp) +852 2459 6489 Email64museum@alliance.org.hk
Free admission. Donations welcomed.

About June 4th Museum
In 2019, to remarks the 30th anniversary of the June 4 massacre, and at last Hong Kong Alliance is reopening the June 4th Museum, the only place on Chinese soil where the truth about June 4 can be told.

As the Museum was preparing for the opening, the iron gate on the front door was found opened on April 7 2019 and the lock was gone. Ten wall sockets, the main fuse and the fuse box had also been vandalised with salt water. Recently, some people claiming to represent fellow property owners in the building where the Museum is housed protested outside, causing nuisance to building tenants and nearby residents. These are obviously malicious acts meant to prevent the Museum from reopening.

Hong Kong Alliance foresees more sabotage, whether overt or covert, in the future. We will strive to continue our work. No matter how repressive the authoritarian regime or how difficult the hurdles ahead, we will not back down and will fight to the end.

The June 4th Museum reopen on April 26 2019, the 30th Anniversary of the People's Daily editorial that irrevocably  labelled the 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations “turmoil”. Its theme is 'Memory. Justice. Hope.' to commemorate the martyrs who gave their lives in 1989 and honor their dedication.

History of the June 4th Museum

1. Temporary June 4th Museums were set up in Sham Shui Po and City University of Hong Kong in 2012 and 2013 respectively. In 2014, a space at Foo Hoo Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui was purchased, and the permanent June 4th Museum opened. However, the building owners' corporation brought litigation against the Museum and the management office often harassed Museum visitors. The Museum also had limited space for larger exhibitions and other activities such as lectures, which seriously restricted the development and educational initiatives of the Museum. In 2016, the Standing Committee of Hong Kong Alliance discussed and approved selling the property and looking for a bigger space to reopen the Museum.

2. In 2017 and 2018, Hong Kong Alliance organised special exhibitions of the June 4th Museum at the Victoria Park Lunar New Year Fair and venues provided by like-minded groups. It also fundraised for museum expansion and searched for a new site. Finally a space was purchased in Mong Kok in early 2019 to reopen the June 4th Museum.

3. In keeping with the purpose of similar memorials around the world, only by telling  the truth, protecting memory, learning from history, distinguishing between right and wrong, and upholding justice can such a criminal tragedy be prevented from happening again.

4. The goals of the June 4th Museum are to never forget June 4, to invoke our conscience, to pass on the torch, to explain to the public the history of the 1989 democracy movement, and to understand  its causes and consequences. It is hoped that both the government and the public can learn from history and together discuss the significance of building a fair and just society.

5. In 2020, the new exhibition,‘At the forefront of anti-totalitarianism: From June 4, 1989 to the anti-extradition movement’. The Museum officially opened on May 20 with a new design.
6. In 2021, the 32nd Anniversary of June 4th. The June 4th Museum will open again on 30 May. The theme of the photo exhibition this year is "89 Democratic Movement and Hong Kong." We have set up a corner for visitors to lay down flowers to pay tribute to those died in the democratic movement.

Please donate and support 'June 4th Museum'

Depositing into the“Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China”

Hang Seng Bank A/C No. 
368-286498-001 (Hong Kong Dollar)
395-410673-883 (Foreign Currency and RMB[renminbi] )

FPS:1882711(Hong Kong Dollar);2449569(Foreign Currency and RMB[renminbi] )

Sending us a crossed cheque
(payable to: “Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China"), and send to 10/F, Ngai Wong Commercial Building, 11-13 Mong Kok Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, explicitly stating its purpose. 

Arrangements under inclement weather conditions

Tropical cyclone warning signals

1. When the Observatory issues tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 (or above), the Museum will be closed.
2. If tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 (or above) is cancelled before 10 am, or tropical cyclone warning signal No. 3 (or below) is issued instead, the Museum will open as usual.
3. If the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 (or above) is cancelled before 12 noon, or tropical cyclone warning signal No. 3 (or below) is issued instead, the Museum will open at 3 pm.
4. If the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 (or above) is cancelled after 12 noon, the Museum will remain closed.
Black rainstorm warning signal

1. When the Observatory issues the black rainstorm warning signal, the Museum will remain open.
2. If the black rainstorm warning signal is issued before opening hours, the Museum will be closed until the signal is cancelled, or red or yellow rainstorm warning signal is issued instead. The Museum opening hours arrangement under rainstorm warning signals aligns with the case of tropical cyclone warning signals.