「六四記憶‧人權博物館」工作月報2021.02 Monthly Bulletin from the ‘June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum’, Feb 2021

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支持者月報 2021年2月號




拒絕執行指令的徐勤先,蒙受五年牢獄之災,晚年仍遭軟禁,這是極權年代的常態,但我們不能習以為常。曾被指控「反革命罪」遭受迫害的蘇聯詩人曼德爾施塔姆,在1937年大清洗運動時期寫下詩句:「當我鞠躬盡瘁,與世永遠別離——我活著時曾經和一切人友好——我要用我胸膛中所有元氣——把天堂的迴聲傳播得更深更廣!」「六四記憶 ‧人權博物館」的籌建,正是希望將先行者的迴聲記錄下來,傳播得更久、更遠。







Monthly Bulletin, Feb 2021

Monthly Bulletin from the ‘June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum’, Feb 2021

Dear supporter of the June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum, Happy Lunar New Year!
At the beginning of 2021, we received a saddening news that the then PLA commander during the June 4th massacre, Xu Qinxian, has passed away at the age of 86 in Shijiazhuang on January 8th. Refusing to suppress the protests, Xu ‘would rather be killed than become an eternal sinner’, and showed his courage to stand up against totalitarianism. His passing reminds us: the June 4th massacre has not vanished; with the perishing of those who have witnessed the massacre, the burden on us to etch the memories only becomes heavier.
Xu was sentenced to five years imprisonment, and was under house arrest during his late years. This is a common story of totalitarianism, but we certainly should not take it as something normal. The Soviet poet Mandelstam, who was once accused of committing the crime of counter-revolution and was thus persecuted, wrote a poem during the Great Purge of 1937: ‘And when I sleep, after serving, In life to the living a friend, It will echo deeper and higher — The reply of the sky in my breast.’ The same goes for our museum. We are looking forward to recording the echoes from the forerunners, and to disseminating them deeper and higher.

Over the last month, we have continued some of the fundamental tasks including collecting and sorting the documents and materials, and the curation framework for the collections has also been more clearly established. We are preparing to undertake the designing of the visual layout and user interface for the website. Meanwhile we have also started to build our expert committee, in the hope to obtain valuable advice from the academic circle, depicting more integrated and unique memories of the June 4th incident.
For the past few months, we have received numerous responses from the readers with their relics and memories from the June 4th massacre. We would like to extend our gratitude to all for their support and participation. If you possess any collections, or have participated in any researches or studies related to the 1989 student demonstration and the democracy movement, please contact us at 64.museum.online@protonmail.com to have your contributions permanently archived and posted in our online museum as part of the historical documentation for public access. Institutions preserving any aforementioned materials are welcome to contact us for cooperation as well.
Please contact us via 64.museum.online@protonmail.com should you have any advice or information that you would like to share with us.
We wish you a healthy and happy New Year!
June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum

Feb 22, 2021