「六四記憶‧人權博物館」工作月報2021.01 Monthly Bulletin from the ‘June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum’, Jan 2021

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支持者月報 2021年1月號

六四記憶 ·人權博物館工作月報2021.1

各位「六四記憶 ·人權博物館」的支持者,新年好!



幸運的是,本月我們收到數名讀者來函,提供他們珍藏的「六四」物件與記錄,為博物館的史料收藏增添重要一筆。如果正在讀郵件的你,有個人收藏、參與研究過與1989中國學潮、民運相關的資料,或是保存過上述資料的機構代表,如果你願意將自己親歷或經手過的歷史資料,在「六四記憶 ·人權博物館」儲存一份檔案,以資永久保存,並作為連續脈絡的一部分開放給公眾閱覽,我們非常希望能夠與你合作收藏。請一定與我們聯絡:64.museum.online@protonmail.com



「六四記憶 ·人權博物館」工作團隊

Monthly Bulletin, Jan 2021

Monthly Bulletin from the ‘June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum’, Jan 2021

Dear supporter of the 'June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum',

With the pandemic and all the unexpected twists, 2020 was a tough year for many — we have probably never been so keen to welcome the new year. But the coming of 2021 doesn’t mean the history on our shoulders is any lighter or dimmer. For the past year, civic freedom has been under constant threat across the globe in the name of containing the COVID, while the anti-totalitarian movements are still in their full swing. The outcry ‘no rioters, only tyranny’ transcended the language barriers, and was shouted out in places from Hong Kong to Thailand and Belarus.

At the turn of the year amid this bitter winter, we are calling for the truth and rehabilitation. ‘I hope to find the truth, to get as close to the truth as possible,’ said Chow Tsz-lok’s father at the Coroner’s Court, which has held the inquest for more than twenty days, yet his demand seems especially difficult to fulfill under the current circumstances. During the thirty-two years since the June 4th massacre occurred, there have been many risking their lives just to ‘get as close to the truth as possible’. The Japanese Government has recently made public a series of diplomatic documents dating from 1987 to 1990, which contains 26 volumes and more than ten thousand pages, revealing the Japanese policies toward China during and after the June 4th massacre. We hope to do our best to access to the truths before they are washed out, just like what they did with those documents in Japan.

Fortunately, we have received numerous responses from the readers with their relics and memories from the June 4th massacre, helping us nourish the museum’s collection. So once again, we would like to ask for your help: if you possess any collections, or have participated in any researches related to the 1989 student demonstration and the democracy movement, please contact us at 64.museum.online@protonmail.com to have your contributions permanently archived in our online museum as part of the historical context for public access. Representatives from institutions preserving any aforementioned materials are welcome as well.

For the past month we have started sorting the timeline and publications related to the movement according to the layout of the online museum. Meanwhile, the visual design and web data engineering team have been set up undertaking the initial proposals. We are also in the process of confirming the candidates for expert committee, in the hope to obtain their precise and substantial advice to better equip the museum. For the coming quarter we will continue the ongoing digitalization of relics, and move on to some other new tasks including curation works and public relations campaign on social media. Please contact us at 64.museum.online@protonmail.com should you have any advice or information that you would like us to know.

We wish you a safe and happy New Year!

June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum
Jan 4, 2021