共命運 同抗爭—「八九民運與香港」圖片展 A Common Fate, a Share Struggle "89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong" Photo Exhibition

 「六四紀念館」閉館通告 (2021年6月2日新聞稿)
Press Release 2 June 2021:‘June 4th Museum’ Closing Notice
全文 detail 

// 昨日(6月1日)下午食環署人員到「六四紀念館」調查,指支聯會未領有公眾娛樂場所牌照,涉嫌違反《公眾娛樂場所條例》。

「六四紀念館 」管理委員會經商議後認為對事件需要進一步諮詢法律意見,及為保障工作人員及參觀者的安全,議決暫時關閉紀念館,直至另行通告為止。

Yesterday (1 June), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department officers inspected the ‘June 4th Museum’ and alleged that the Alliance did not have a valid Places of Public Entertainment Licence and was suspected to have violated the ‘Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance’.

The management committee of the‘June 4th Museum’decided after deliberation that further legal advice is needed on the incident, and in order to protect the safety of staff and visitors, the Museum is temporarily closed until further notice. //

Please scroll down for English

「六四紀念館」重新開放 歡迎參觀
【守護歷史 悼念先烈 為六四死難者獻花】
【共命運 同抗爭——「八九民運與香港」圖片展】







網上表格: https://bit.ly/64exhibit
Signal:+852 6797 8841
電話/WhatsApp:+852 2459 6489

😷提提大家:為了保障訪客的健康,請入場時量體溫、使用酒精搓手液及必須佩戴口罩。除已預約者外,其他到訪人士請在表格上或掃描QR Code填上姓名、聯絡電話、到訪日期及時間。資料只作防疫用途,會於31日後銷毀。其他形式的登記與本館無關。

June 4th Museum reopens. Welcome to visit us.

Defending history and mourning the martyrs
Present bouquet to the June 4th victims
A Common Fate, a Share Struggle "89 Democracy Movement and Hong Kong" Photo Exhibition

This year is the 32nd Anniversary of June 4th. The June 4th Museum will open again on 30 May, 2021.

#June4thmuseum The theme of the photo exhibition this year is "89 Democratic Movement and Hong Kong."
We have set up a corner for visitors to lay down flowers to pay tribute to those died in the democratic movement. #MourningJune4th

Opening sessions:
Date: Every Tuesday to Sunday, until further notice
Time: 12:00noon-6:00pm (closed on every Monday)
(4 June, 2021 extending to 10:00pm)

Address: 10/F, Ngai Wong Commercial Building, 11-13 Mong Kok Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon

📝Welcome to book a visit

Online form:https://bit.ly/64exhibit
Signal:+852 6797 8841
Whatsapp/ TEL: +852 2459 6489

😷 Friendly reminder : In order to protect the health of visitors, please have your body temperature measured, use alcohol handrub when entering the venue and always wear a mask.
Please write down you name, contact number, date and time of your visit for epidemic prevention purpose only. It will be destroyed after 31 days. Other forms of registration have nothing to do with our Museum.

#6432Justice  #June4th32 #六四32 #64truth #june4thmuseumhk #hkalliance #六四紀念館 #支聯會


**2021年5月30日 記者會 Press Conference

「六四紀念館」重新開放 暨

今年是「六四」32周年,「六四紀念館」今天(5月30日)下午2時重新開放。至下午6時,有逾160人參觀。歡迎市民網上預約參觀 ( https://bit.ly/64exhibit ), 捐款支持「六四紀念館」工作。


另外,在過去一段日子,「六四紀念館」 感謝市民捐出珍藏當年的報章書刊,豐富「六四紀念館」館藏。經整理後,「六四紀念館」特設一小角落,擺放多出的書刊,參觀市民可透過捐款支持,揀選合適的書刊,帶回家收藏紀念或親子閱讀,鑑古知今。

