說六四 見人心 知時局 Discourse on the June 4th Massacre

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1989  首都今晚發生了嚴重的反革命暴亂。暴徒們猖狂襲擊解放軍指戰員,搶軍火,燒軍車,設路障,綁架解放軍官兵,妄圖顛覆中華人民共和國,推翻社會主義制度。人民解放軍多日來保持了高度克制,現在必須堅決反擊反革命暴亂。(北京市政府)

2004  80年代末90年代初,發生了一場嚴重的政治風波。在這個關係黨和國家命運的嚴重的時刻,黨中央緊緊依靠全黨同志和全國人民,堅持11屆三中全會以來的路線不動搖,成功地穩住改革開放的大局,捍衛了中國特色的社會主義事業。(溫家寶總理)

2017  回應英國解密檔案「六四」死亡人數,外交部發言人表示,關於上世紀80年代末的那場政治風波和相關問題,中國政府早有了定論;中國走的是一條最符合中國人民利益的路,世界各國只要不抱著任何惡意或意識形態的偏見,對此應該看得非常清楚。(中國外交部)

趙紫陽  中共總書紀(1987-1989)
1989  他們絕對不是要反對我們的根本制度,而是要求我們把工作中的弊病改掉。
1997  如果不把學生的行動視為反黨,耐心的協商對話、疏導,是可以平息下去的。

楊尚昆  國家主席 (1988-1993)
1989  戒嚴部隊在明天天明前全部完成對天安門廣場的清場任務,萬不得已部隊可以採取一切手段。
1998  「六四」事件是我黨歷史上犯下的最嚴重的錯誤,我已無力去糾正,但將來是一定會得到糾正的。

李鵬  國務院總理(1988-1998)
1989  我們的黨是執政黨,我們的政府是人民的政府。為了對神聖的祖國負責,對全體人民負責,我們必須採取堅決果斷的措施,迅速結束動亂,維護黨的領導,維護社會主義制度。
2003  89年春夏之交,發生了一場反對共產黨領導,推翻社會主義制度的動亂,繼而演變成暴亂。在關鍵時刻黨中央果斷平息了。歷史將證明,採取這些果斷措施是正確的和必要的。

丁子霖  「天安門母親」發起人
1992  請你們不要忘記中國1989年6月4日發生在北京的悲劇,不要忘記那些永遠被剝奪了生存權利而且不能再為自己申辯的亡靈。
2014  25年來,至少應該給我們一個真相,一個事實,一個昭示天下的認錯!那些不願也不敢承認事實的人,確確實實是最懦弱最愚蠢的。
2017  真相、賠償、問責,這就是我們28年來堅持的三項訴求,還會繼續堅持下去,無論遇到來自哪方的壓力,我們初心不改,矢志不渝。

王丹  八九學運領袖
1991  我的動機概括就是一句話:推動社會主義進步,振興中華民族。我承認我是嚮往西方的民主制度,但我是希望政府能採用那種制度,而不是要推翻政府。
2013  24周年,還沒有等到翻案,有人問我會不會失望?我不會!越是艱難的事情,越證明努力的價值所在。一件東西得來不易,我們才會珍惜。這件東西就是自由。
2017  「六四」事件對中國社會的影響延續至今,未來中共若迫於危機要去處理中國政治轉型的問題,「六四」一定是繞不過去的。「六四」會成為未來中國民主化契機,它不是歷史,而是進行式。

吳康民  全國人大代表(1975-2008)
1989  我無法接受用機關槍嚟對付呢啲可愛嘅青年學生!我想唔到人民嘅政府,號稱人民嘅政府同人民嘅解放軍,可以用槍嚟對付人民。我對呢個當權者完全失望,槍聲同坦克嘅履帶聲摧毀咗我對北京當權者嘅一切希望。
2012  「六四政治風波」已經過去了23年,港人對此未能忘懷,是可以理解的。但是,了解到中國國情的複雜性,當年政局的詭譎,今天社會矛盾的增加,北京高層不得不強調「維穩」的苦心,我們還是要有點耐心才好。

梁振英   香港特首(2012-2017)
1989  強烈譴責中共當權者血腥屠殺中國人民。(1989年6月6日刊於《文匯報》)
2013  特區政府不評論有關「六四」的事情。

曾鈺成  立法會主席(2008-2016)
1989  呢個的確係大是大非嘅問題。我哋要搞清楚,要求中國政治走向民主、走向開明,反對貪官污吏、反對腐化,我哋可以無愧於自己嘅良心。
2009  天安門廣場當日發生嘅事,我相信好多真相都仲係未搞得好清楚,佢點樣錯法,點樣改變先算係正確,我覺得我今日未有能力、資格去講。

The Mutable and Immutable: Discourse on the June 4th Massacre

Government of China
Serious anti-revolutionary riots broke out this evening in the capital. Thugs attacked army supervisors, commandeered weaponry, set army trucks on fire, put up road blocks, and abducted officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. Rioters sought to subvert the Republic and overthrown the socialist regime. For many days, soldiers of the People's Liberation Army exercised a high degree of restraint. Now we must fight to oppose the violent forces if the anti-revolution with determination.
A serious political row occurred at the end of the 1980s and early 1990s. It was a moment when the destiny of the Party and of the nation was at stake. The Party Central, in close step with the entire Party and with the Chinese people, firmly refused to budge from the line lay down by the 3rd Central  Plenary Session. We succeeded in keeping strong the momentum of reform and openness in defense of our great enterprise of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Yang Shangkun  (Former President of China)
The curfew forces will complete the tasks of clearing the Tianenmen Square before dawn tomorrow. To do so, the military will resort to all means when absolutely necessary.
The June 4 incident is the most serious mistake in the history of our Party. I am powerless to rectify that. But rectification will surely come in the future.

Ding Zilin  (Founder of Tiananmen Mothers)
Please forget not the tragedy that happened in Beijing on June 4th, 1989. Forget not the souls whose right to life was taken away forever and could no longer speak on their own behalf.
25 years! At the very least, we are owed the telling of the truth, the display of facts, an admission of guilt before the whole world. Those who cannot and dare not admit the truth are indeed the most coward and the most foolish.

Wang Dan  (Leader of Chinese democracy movement)
What drives me can be summed up in these simple words: the renaissance of the Chinese people. I admit I long for the democratic system of the west. I plead that our government adopt that system, but I do not want to overthrown the government.
At this 24th anniversary, there is as yet no vindication. Will I despair? No, I will not. That which is hard to achieve is proof of its value. We only treasure that which does not come easy. And that something is freedom.

Ng Hong Mun  (Former Hong Kong NPC Delegate)
There is no way I can accept firing machine guns at these lovely young students. Never can I imagine the people's government and the so-called people's liberation army turning their weapons at them. I am totally disillusioned with this regime. The din of guns and the roar of tanks have taken away any hope I have had for the Beijing regime.
It's been 23 years since the June 4 row. That Hong Kong people cannot yet put it behind them I can understand.  But, considering the complexity that is China, the intriguing  politics that is Beijing,  and the escalating tension in society, one might be permitted to appreciate Beijing leaders' nightmarish fear of instability. We do well to be a little more patient.

Leung Chun Ying  (Former Chief Executive of Hong Kong)
1989: We strongly condemn the Chinese Communist rulers for their bloody slaughter of the people.  (June 6, 1989 Wen Wei Pao)
2013: The SAR Government makes no comments on matters of June 4th.